Communication Policy

Patients are able to obtain information or advice related to their clinical care by telephone, prior arrangements to be made with your doctor. However, we would appreciate you reserving this service for emergencies ONLY.

We try to keep interruptions to patients’ consultations to a minimum.

Our policy is to encourage patients’ to attend the surgery for a consultation to ensure accurate diagnosis. Medical advice or information cannot be provided by email.

Your Rights

If you have any concerns or suggestions we would like to hear about it. Please feel free to talk to your doctor, nurse or reception staff.

You may prefer to write to us. We have Patient feedback forms available at reception for your use. We take your concerns, suggestions and complaints seriously.

Questionnaires are available inviting patients to share their views of the Practice and how it could be improved.

These surveys are completely confidential and help us to improve our services.

We pride ourselves on good communication with our patients and prefer to hear and discuss your concerns about any aspect of our service.

However, if you feel there is a problem, you may prefer to contact:

The Office of the Health Ombudsman: 133 646

Or email,

or write to, PO Box 13281, George St, Brisbane QLD 4003